Asset and Distribution Insights for Salesforce® CRM

Asset and Distribution Insights for Salesforce® CRM

The industry-specialized architecture of Advisor Track CRM.
The advisor team view insights of Advisor Teams.
The reporting output of the MARS platform.
All at your fingertips in Salesforce®.
Firm, Office, Rep Structure
Reporting Visibility at all Levels
Advisor Team Assignments and Activity
Product Sales Peformance
Real-time integration. Bi-direction data exchange. Up-to-date business critical information. Ease of access and data integrity.
MARS Sales and Asset Reporting for Salesforce® CRM
Top Level View

Firm Level Performance

Office Level Performance

Rep Level Performance

The sales reporting and analytics power of MARS in Salesforce®. Activity and performance dashboards at every level.
Standard Salesforce® Profile
MARS for Salesforce® Profile
Product Performance

Respond to trends, react to changes and manage relationships with a depth and detail of information at your fingertips in Salesforce®.
Sales segmentation
Buying team insights
Accurate and timely data
Increase effectiveness of sales and marketing teams