Another ICI conference is in the books.This year, we had the pleasure of our colleague Miriam Sanchez (MARS Training and Client Education) joining Jill Santandreu (Director of Professional Services), Aaron Wong (MARS Product Manager), and me. Miriam has tremendous experience with our Client Training and Education Programs as well as our Data Stewardship and new Unify Registered Rep Database services.
I always enjoy attending the ICI conference as it affords me the opportunity to speak with current clients, prospective clients, and fellow industry colleagues. In addition to that, the panels and keynote speakers are always of the highest caliber. I had the opportunity to sit in on panels on global trends from the perspective of three leading chief investment strategists, a policy discussion with General Stanley McChrystal, and keynote lunch discussion with GE’s CEO, Jeff Immelt. Each of these sessions was informative, educational, and at times entertaining.
We at SalesFocus Solutions consider ourselves very fortunate in that we have several clients that are representative of the speakers and their associated firms at ICI. As we continue to enhance the suite of MARS products and services, it is the one-on-one interaction with the ICI membership to discuss industry trends and strategic insights that is integral to our continued growth and success.
Dave Halligan, Director of Sales and Client Account Management